Welcome to Udon Thani, globetrotters! With us travelling got easier and even more fun. Here’s what you get – the shortest possible version. This is official app for Udon Thani city guide by www.facebook.com/udoncitypage.
Udon Thani, or Udon for short, is an important regional hub that connects northeastern Thailand with the rest of the country as well as neighboring Laos.
Udon is approximately 560km from Bangkok. The urban centre, Udon City, is home to a large concentration of expats, Udon’s dining and nightlife scene is, therefore, culturally diverse and offers good choices.
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You’ll never have to buy another guide book. Udon City Guides features pictures as well as comprehensive and up-to-date information are available for thousands of places and attractions.
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Travel content is aggregated and compiled from open web sources like YouTube.com and Facebook.com. By bringing all the information together, we want to give you one central, easy-to-use collection of relevant information.
We work hard to give our fellow travelers around the globe a reliable and comprehensive source of information and guidance for their mobiles and tablets.
We’d love to hear what it is you like about our apps and how we can improve it for you. Drop us an email at [email protected] or www.facebook.com/udoncitypage. Enjoy your travels … and don’t forget to send us a postcard. Your UdonCity team! :-)